Important to one's life[2024]

Attitude, Intelligence and Skillset

INTP미국투자자 2024. 12. 21. 08:23

Attitude, Intelligence and Skillset

It's only when you have to make important decisions that take into account the future
It makes the values in your heart clearer

The leader is
The key values that explain those values and their priorities
It must be clearly defined, applied continuously, and communicated.

My view of talent is
Attitude, intelligence/talent >> current competence,
I think it can be applied well in the AI era.

After experiencing a lot of people
I hope you can continue to grow further
The scale of "Current View" is
It was attitude and intelligence/talent.

Companies usually think of their employees as "human resources."
I'm interested in applying his current capabilities right now
People usually say that "attitude" is important
When it comes to a real decisive moment, 'current competency' is often prioritized.

But most people who cause problems in the organization
I have experience in that field
I don't have a high natural talent in that field or brilliant,
They are people who do not have an attitude that crosses their boundaries, such as being considerate of others or always trying to learn new.

If you look at it like that, the attitude that I value is also
It could be in contact with 'intelligence'.

It's basically about the situation and yourself and the other person
It's objective situational awareness, fathom and consideration
In fact, these are based on metacognition, which is a high-level thinking..

After all, it's an age of talent/intelligence..
