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미국주식 종목분석

I'm not a professional writer, and I don't think I'm


I'm not a professional writer, and I don't think I'm good at writing, but I have an idea about writing that I organized while earning money as an essay instructor in Daechi-dong.

Writing is a transcription of thoughts. So if you mess up, you mess up. It seems like people involved in "pure literature" in Korea place a lot of value on pretty sentences, and it may be important if a writer is a profession. Things like, "Don't use conjunctions," that you encounter. But when it comes to writing, especially writing that contains one's own arguments and thoughts, it is most important that the underlying thoughts are properly organized. This is the part that I emphasized the most to my students when I was teaching essay writing.

The reason why I became interested in Chairman Han Dong-hoon's "words" was because of his "speech". I didn't even know Chairman Han Dong-hoon's voice because I rarely see a politician on video, but I was puzzled to see his words mentioned here and there. This is because there are many politicians, but their words are rarely controversial. Still, if his words are controversial, it means that anyone can see that there is a problem with the level.

I thought I'd read what he had to say, "See" - I didn't have to listen to it, but I read what someone had written. Essentially, writing is a transcription of words, so if you can't say it, you can't write, but sometimes for one reason or another, a deep-thinking person becomes mutinous. It's an extreme example, but Noam Chomsky, a world-renowned scholar, says it is. He is really famous for his poor teaching. Of course, he didn't think of Han Dong-hoon as a Chomsky case, but speaking has more room for other elements to intervene than writing - so I trust him more than words - I thought I'd know what Han Dong-hoon thought by looking at the text.

And his post came out twice after the election.

Style, vocabulary, etc. are secondary issues. Writing is a transcription of thoughts, and thoughtless writing means that the person has no thoughts. However, the third paragraph of this article is surprisingly logical. Even the interconnections between the sentences are not possible. The third paragraph is a core part of my thinking, and it has no logic to the extent that I wonder if the "flow of consciousness" technique my child asked me about was applied. I think it's just a clumsy list of good stories I've heard somewhere. Besides, sentence components such as subject are omitted without any context, making it difficult to know who the hell is talking to.

DEAR ABBY: When hiring, I place the utmost importance on a cover letter. Rather than looking at the content of the cover letter, I look at how well it is complete and how well it is structured and how well it is structured to say what the applicant wants to say. Because people who are well-organized are good at thinking, easy-to-work lessons.

If I had reviewed Chairman Han Dong-hoon, I would have been eliminated from the document stage.
If Chairman Han Dong-hoon is still the hope of the ruling party, I think we should despair first of the ruling party's situation to the point where such a person becomes a hope.
