Leave the child unattended to increase the birth rate?
출산율을 높이는 방법은 이게 최고인듯?
근데 우리나라에서 이게 가능하려면...그런날이.....
올 수 있을까? 의문
1. Even if you spend money, the fertility rate will continue to fall anyway - Global Common
2. Policy factors such as childcare allowance and maternity leave have little to do with the fertility rate statistically
3. The highly correlated variable is 1) the time children spend after school studying (0.44) 2) the time their mothers spend taking care of their children at home (0.35).
In other words, the more the child plays at home without studying, and the more the mother does not take care of the child, the higher the fertility rate.
4. Among the developed countries, France is the only country where mothers have similar or reduced child care time, and the fertility rate is the highest (1.8).
5. Korea has the longest period of time for parents to care for their children (4 hours) and the lowest birth rate (0.7)
6. TL;DR: The higher the birth rate is in the culture that parents don't know after having a child, and the lower the birth rate is in the culture where my baby is so precious and hard-earned.
Source: Dr. Choi Jun-young, Global Research Institute
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