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Jeffrey Hinton warned against the dangers of


Jeffrey Hinton warned against the dangers of artificial intelligence. This is the same with his student Ilya Sutskeber, and it is the background of the coup to oust Sam Altman in OPENAI

Another godfather, Yancun, says that the risks of artificial intelligence are exaggerated. So the two of you put together a virtual discussion.
Throw his views in the Jeffrey Hinton chat room, which summarizes Yancun's two-hour YouTube lecture that he made before.

What kind of objection would Jeffrey Hinton raise about Jan Lecun's view of the dangers of technology abuse? After asking, combine their views and draw a final conclusion.

Putting together Jeffrey Hinton and Jan LeCun's views on the risks of exploitation of AI technologies, we conclude.

• The two people's perceptions are consistent in that artificial intelligence technology has great potential and has inherent risks of misuse and abuse.
• However, LeCun is relatively optimistic about the extent of the risks and controllability, while Hinton emphasizes a more vigilant approach.
• LeCun predicts that barriers to expertise in the process of technological development, defense capabilities of personal AI assistants, and easing technology monopolies through open-sourceization will partially curb the risk of abuse.

• On the other hand, Hinton pointed out that the negative impact of the misuse of powerful AI technology should not be overlooked, and that more fundamental and preemptive risk analysis and social discussion are needed.
• Overall, the two people agree that while striving for positive use of AI technology, constant attention should be paid to the risks. Based on a balanced perspective, it can be said that social efforts to maximize the benefits of technology and minimize side effects are required.
