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U.S stocks [2025] ISSUE arrangemet

The United States is the only💀


The United States is the only country that can afford to build large-scale data centers. If I have to add one, it would be about China. It's not because China's economy is good, it's because the US and China will not share each other's infrastructure, and China has systematically prepared new and renewable, nuclear, gas, and coal power generation kappa, or Energy Mix. In other words, it's because there's a lot of room and reason to force it to drag it.

In the case of the United States, they are serious about AI (electricity-eating hippos including date centers), and natural gas is pouring out at a very low cost. In addition, the Trump administration will increase power supply centering on transmission and distribution networks and gas-fired power generation while streamlining cross-state regulations. Already, the Wall Street tranches have started to play by smelling and making themes. (SMR, which is unlikely to be commercialized for a short period of time, is a representative...)

As is well known in Europe, it will slow down the pace of renewable energy for the time being. In any case, this is the place where the industry (manufacturing) accounts for the smallest portion of the total electricity demand. Germany enjoyed a lot of cheap natural gas, which is a big problem, so it will not be unfair to get beaten up in this round.

What about Korea? When it comes to the power industry, it is anarchy. Renewable electricity is bought expensive, investment in transmission and distribution is not progressing for 20 years (as if alarm is higher than before), and nuclear power generation is so politicized that it will be noisy whenever the regime changes. Aside from improving the power grid for simple AI-related infrastructure, commercial and industrial electricity prices have steadily risen to the point of shaking the foundation of Korea, a manufacturing powerhouse. Household electricity prices, which account for 30% of total demand, have risen steadily over the past year, but as a result of the exceptional freeze in 2020-2023, they remain in chronic deficit, and the period is long, making them struggle to pay for child.
