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U.S stocks [2025] ISSUE arrangemet

some media's cowardly top-notch some media's cowardly top-notch It is appropriate to abandon the widow if the new stock complex that was being served is broken, but I think the human custom seems to find another object and serve the object as a new stock complex. When Yoon Suk Yeol was in crisis, some media abandoned him and searched for other new stock complexes, just as there was an effort to find a new new stock complex cal.. 더보기
My house is in the highlands of Seoul. That's why drivers always complain when w My house is in the highlands of Seoul. That's why drivers always complain when we take a taxi. I took a taxi on my way home from work today, and I answered the phone because my cell phone rang.However, the driver quietly lowered the volume of the radio, which was my consideration. I feel like I met a caring driver for others for the first timeAll right, after we finished the call, we had a conve.. 더보기
<Emergency Assembly Meeting Remarks> Today is the ninth day since the impeachment of the Yoon Suk Yeol of the rebellion was passed, but the civil war is not over yet. The economic, diplomatic and security crisis continues due to the ratification of the remnants of the civil war.The biggest responsibility lies with Prime Minister Han Duck-soo. Despite his responsibility to promptly end a civil war in a national crisis, he is draggin.. 더보기
음 여러가지 문제로 아직은 위기 펌 ㅣ DGB금융 iM증권 김현석입니다.2024122 Morning brief1. 이머징 외환시장에 경고등이 켜졌다-일부 이머징 국가 중앙은행이 통화가치 방어를 위해 외환시장에 직접 개입하는 등 이머징 통화 불안이 확산 중-이머징 통화 불안 요인>미국 경제 예외주의, 트럼프 2.0 정책 리스크, 중국 경기 둔화, 이머징 국가의 만성적인 쌍둥이(경상수지+재정수지) 적자 리스크-이머징 통화 불안 속 국내 정치 불확실성으로 한국 금융시장이 이머징 시장으로 낙인될 위험이 커짐2. 고영, 트럼프 시대 뇌수술 로봇 및 AI솔루션 수혜 가속화-세계 최초 침대부착형 뇌수술로봇으로 광학 센서 통한 로봇의 실시간 위치 및 자세 추적이 가능해 수술 정밀도 높임>미국에서 매출 성장 가속화-트럼프 2.0 시대 제조업 등을 미국.. 더보기
Presidential Security Service, 55th Guard Corps, 33rd Military Police Guard Cor [Urgent press release] - 55th Guard Commander to file charges against 33rd Military Police Chief 'obstruction of exercise of authority abuse rights' and 'obstruction of execution of special public affairs' - On January 3, 2025, our citizens watched the execution of the arrest warrant on live broadcast after the presidential security and military security forces blocked the Yoon Suk Yeol of the r.. 더보기
It's good for those who are new to the wild to know) It's good for those who are new to the wild to know)1) When you work, you should pay for your questioning. When you are in a sales position and in a consultation position, you should listen first. If you want to teach something that has not been formed, you should hold a free seminar like me. What's interesting is that even though it's a free seminar and it's a teaching position, some say that i.. 더보기
주간 이슈 점검: 고용보고서, FOMC 의사록, CES, 삼성전자 실적 서상영님글 ㅣ 1/06 주간 이슈 점검: 고용보고서, FOMC 의사록, CES, 삼성전자 실적*고용보고서12월 미국 비농업 고용자수에 대해 시장은 11월 발표된 22.7만 건보다 감소한 15.3만 건으로 전망. 실업률 4.2% 유지, 시간간 임금은 0.4%에서 0.3%로 소폭 둔화를 전망. 대체로 이번 고용보고서는 허리케인과 파업등이 해소돼 시장 전망에서 크게 벗어날 가능성은 제한. 다만, 지난해 여름 이후 이민자가 둔화되기 시작했다는 점, 연말 쇼핑 시즌을 감안 소매업 고용이 증가세로 전환될 수 있다는 점을 주목하고 있음. 이런 가운데 ISM 제조업지수에서 고용지수가 둔화되었기에 제조업 고용은 악화가 예상되며, ISM 서비스업지수에서의 고용지수 내용에 따라 고용보고서 예측이 달라 질 수 있어 관련 지.. 더보기
<The bodyguards on the prosecutor> Two of the most plausible explanations of the strange behaviors Presidential bodyguards see today.1) Prosecutors, police or soldiers are nothing more than "things below" to the eyes of the bodyguards who serve the highest dignity. It is a tradition that has never been broken since President Park Chung-hee, so it is hard to break even a civil war. If there is no such attitude toward presidential .. 더보기
