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U.S stocks [2025] ISSUE arrangemet

The market is more volatile The market is more volatile due to Trump's actions than economic indicators. The PCE, Atlanta Fed Bank's GDPNOW, or New York Fed Bank's NowCasting Q1 GDP forecast, which were announced on Wednesday, seem to receive little attention from the market. Still, it is a wonder that the forecasts for the Atlanta Fed and New York Fed banks' GDP are divided into 1.5 percent and 2.94 percent, respectively... 더보기
Hilton Hyatt is the portable U.S Hilton Hyatt is the portable U.S. for businessmen, the aircraft carrier and the U.S. military base is the portable U.S. for officers, and Air Force One is the portable U.S. for the president… I wonder what it would be like to see the U.S.'s MAGA activities these days by Korean Flemish scholarship students, who are nothing more than spies planted by the U.S. D+321 #PSB #腦星 Keyword of the Day #Pla.. 더보기
미국 증시, 우크라이나 우려에도 물가 안정과 월말 수급의 힘으로 상승 확대 마감 서상영님 시장리뷰 ㅣ 03/03 미국 증시, 우크라이나 우려에도 물가 안정과 월말 수급의 힘으로 상승 확대 마감미 증시는 물가가 안정되는 모습을 보이자 금리 하락과 달러 약세를 기반으로 상승 출발. 다만, 소비지출의 둔화 등을 반영하며 경기에 대한 불안은 여전해 상승은 제한. 그런 가운데 장중에 트럼프와 젤렌스키와의 회담 도중 언성이 높아지고 협상 부결로 달러 강세가 확대되자 지수는 하락 전환하는 등 변동성 확대. 이후 반발 매수세는 여전히 진행됐고, 주간옵션과 월말 윈도우드레싱 수급의 힘으로 테슬라(+3.91%)와 엔비디아(+3.97%), 그리고 대형기술주 등의 상승이 재차 확대되자 지수도 마감 직전 상승을 크게 확대하며 마감(다우 +1.39%, 나스닥 +1.63%, S&P500 +1.59%, 러셀20.. 더보기
[Trump will fail] [Trump will fail]Global hegemony is by no means 'free.' Hegemonstrates its price tag. To have hegemony, one must deploy enormous military power in various parts of the world. Underpins that military power, too, is astronomical military spending. The Pentagon's annual budget now stands at around $850 billion, nearly half of Korea's gross domestic product – money beyond imagination. In addition to.. 더보기
Many investors constantly ●Investment starts with the distinction between what you know and what you don't know (by. JW Son)Many investors constantly study and analyze to succeed in the market. However, the key is not simply to know a lot, but to distinguish what you know and what you don't know. Mark Minervini's investment principles allow him to thoroughly analyze the fundamental values of a company and the flow of the.. 더보기
Foreigners had established a fierce speculative market for options.Foreigners had established a sell-off position again in the run-up to the early March holiday until yesterday, and the profit segment was between 335 and 357 based on the kospi 200 index, which is roughly between 2530 and 2700. But today, as individuals and brokerages took excessively speculative positions in long positions buying call options and selling .. 더보기
South Korea's net foreign South Korea's net foreign financial assets reportedly topped $1 trillionLast year's trade surplus was about $50 billion, so it's about 20 times higherHow did you manage to collect so much financial assets?According to the data, Korea became the first financial asset surplus country since it was similar in 2013And then I tried to say that I'd built an 11-year surplus to make a trillion dollars..... 더보기
Tesla, Bitcoin, and Nvidia Tesla, Bitcoin, and Nvidia, which have led the rise in the U.S. market for years, have now emerged as the main culprit behind the decline in the U.S. market. It is also predicted that our real estate market will fall in the order of the largest increase. The U.S. market is problematic that investor sentiment suddenly cooled under the pretext of Trump's tariff policy, but it is probably because o.. 더보기
