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[장 중 시황] 믿음의 반도체 [FICC리서치부 전략/시황: 이경민 / 김정윤]
- KOSPI는 외국인, 기관 하루 만에 순매수 전환하며 0.7% 상승. 연중 최고치 재경신. 밤 사이 마이크론 급등에 힘입어 특히 AI/HBM 시장 노출도 높은 KOSPI가 여타 아시아 증시 상대적 강세 전개. KOSPI가 19.6p 상승하는 가운데 이중 삼성전자+SK하이닉스 합산 기여도는 17.7p로 사실상 두개 종목이 오늘 지수 상승 주도. 다만, 장 중 상승폭 되돌림 나타나며 다시 2,750선으로 회귀하는 모습 관측
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- 원/달러 환율은 전일과 유사한 양상으로 오전에 1,334원까지 하락 후 위안화 약세 흐름과 연동되어 1,341원으로 하락폭 대부분 축소
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- KOSDAQ은 외국인 자금 유입 속에 0.4% 상승. 업종별로는 CJ ENM(+6.11%) 급등에 통신방송서비스(+3.08%) 강세. 제약(+1.31%) 연이어 상승세 기록하며 특히 HLB 그룹주 질주 지속. 엔터주 투자 심리 추가 개선되어 오락/문화는 1.96% 상승. 반면, 화학(-1.88%), 건설(-0.71%) 약세. 한편, 테마별로는 일부 사이버보안 관련주 급등
[대신증권 투자전략/시황 텔레그램 채널]
Speaking of KAIST...
There was a case where Youngjae, who had everyone's expectations, committed suicide because of the new president's policy.
All classes were ordered to be taught in English, and accordingly, the grades of students who were weak in English or mathematics fell sharply as they entered the special screening.
This student eventually had to give up his scholarship, but his family situation was not good, and he committed suicide while lamenting his inability to adapt to school.
When the news came out, there was an opinion on the site denouncing the president's policy, and the member of Ye blamed an eight-year-old student for committing suicide, saying he couldn't understand his inability to speak English.
The member grew up in Gangnam, studied English in the United States, and worked for a foreign company.
The member would often go to government offices to handle business-related tasks, but he would be angry every time that government officials asked for a translation because they couldn't speak any English and asked him to get a translation and notarized for translation.
When asked how many civil servants would be good at foreign languages in Korea, where language is not talented and foreign language education is very inefficient, he dismissed it as a result of laziness in studying foreign languages and an excuse.
After that, I started chewing on the site, "The lack of empathy of the princes and princesses of SKY Castle, who mistake it for their skills on a subject that received a private education thanks to their rich parents, and treat others as a life dropout who doesn't try."
They attacked whenever someone said "effort." Korea, which treats the talented underprivileged as a failed person who does not make efforts instead of reading and cheering for them, cannot become an advanced country even if it is dead or dead, but is merely a shallow capitalist country where only vested interests benefit.
He directly criticized the member for being discouraged and even committing suicide because of the English lecture policy, even though he had a great talent in programming, and for misleading the essence of the problem by "not studying English."
There were quite a few members who had similar positions and tendencies to that member, and after a quarrel with members on the other side, many named members left in just a couple of months, and I came out too.
It's already been 15 years.
Anyway, as the named members expected, Korea
a manipulative republic of power
the extinction of population due to low birth rate
a society stiffened by a decline in diversity
Young people are immersed in speculation
Economic recession accelerates with huge cost of confidence
It is becoming a country that is ruined by its back.
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