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Oil prices are showing a steep rise again.


Oil prices are showing a steep rise again. In Phoenix, Arizona, the economy is not what it used to be. There are a lot of vacancies in restaurants. The store in downtown is quiet. There are many sale products even if you go to the mart. There is less traffic on the way to work in the morning.

However, the number of employees increased to 300,000 in March. CNBC shares important data and warns that job growth does not necessarily mean the economy is in good shape. In the same jobs report, the number of full-time jobs decreased by 1.8 million compared to November 2023. The number of jobs that have increased is all part-time.

Immigrants increased by 2.5 million in 2023 alone. Most of them are illegal asylum seekers and face trial in immigration court. There will be no bosses to hire them as full-time workers. The U.S. government issues a temporary work permit six months before entering the country because they have to make ends meet before the immigration court decides whether to be kicked out of the United States. You go to a part-time job with that document. And even if they receive the minimum wage, they are motivated to work. So even if jobs increase, wage growth will be slow.

These low-paying asylum-seekers will be willing to work part-time, a palatable working condition for businesses, while companies will have less reason to mass fire full-time workers while saving relatively little labor costs. Companies will likely enjoy the confidence that they can fire immigrants first, who cannot speak English well and are in desperate situations where they have to do anything when things get tough.

The interest rate is usually 10% to get an automatic loan, so if you are not too desperate, you are slowing down buying a car as much as possible. Correspondents from the Korean media, New York and Washington, DC, say that people seem to have a lot of money. However, the neighborhood is different from most large American cities, such as Phoenix, where I live. The economy is also worsening in rural America due to the sharp drop in agricultural prices since the beginning of last year. Given this reality, it seems that the US Federal Reserve will lower interest rates even if the number of jobs surges.

Gas prices are starting to rise again. Fortunately, however, the state of California has received moderate snow over the past winter, producing tremendous fruits and vegetables to avoid drought. Most of our homes cook at home, so if the price of fresh vegetables and fruits does not rise, it will be enough to survive. However, while eating out often, I am worried about how my house, which recently purchased a car and has to pay off my car loan, will survive.
