The reason for investing in Tesla is not low-interest beneficiary stocks, the ability of high-level executives, positive news, and predictions from Gary Black and Troy, so even if they are negative, it does not affect my investment.
It was a sustainable electric vehicle ecosystem and cornerstone FSD, energy, and insurance to get to smart cars.
In addition to that, Optimus has been created.
1. I don't have any doubt that the Tesla electric vehicle ecosystem would have accelerated if it had been in a low-interest rate situation. However, even if the high-interest rate situation is maintained, the car is eventually a consumer product and there is a replacement cycle. If all car makers are in the same situation and consumers are in the same situation, they will eventually replace it. I think one of the powerful products is Tesla, so I don't think it's a big problem even if high-interest rates are prolonged. Moreover, Tesla has a lot of cash and a lot of debt. Of course, it would be appreciated if it accelerates to low-interest rates.
2. The abilities and talents of high-level executives are clearly important. Therefore, if the direction of the company has changed differently than before, or if the capabilities of existing executives have reached their limits without significantly affecting corporate growth, it is appropriate to replace them. He must have been a key figure in corporate business in the past. However, this is not the case now.
In the case of Andrekafasi, he was a key figure before V12. It was because labeling was done by humans and talented people with excellent coding were needed. However, he also played his role with the introduction of E2E methods for Autopilot and FSD. I think it's right to go where he needs more. Tesla has confirmed that its performance grows dramatically by increasing computing power from the E2E method instead of the existing method.
Other executives have also seen their weight drop a lot now when looking at each role. It is necessary to replace people who are optimized for business direction now.
3. I wouldn't bother to tell you how fast the Megapac and Supercharger are growing. Everyone already knows that..
4. In the case of insurance and FSD, it is a business that takes time to regulate each country and region and change the public's perception.
If you eventually provide cheap and good services while the regulations are lifted, it can be seen that prior work is more important because it is a business that can grow quickly while spreading word of mouth. That's why you have to melt time.
5. Optimus humanoid robots were just what I wanted in my imagination. However, Tesla set its sights on a new business and secured talented people through AI Day. Unlike in the past, it has capital and knows well what is important in the robot (new industry) industrial structure based on past experience.
Prototypes are easy, but mass production is difficult, and popularization is even more difficult as prices are lowered.
With the experience gained from leading the electric vehicle industry and the FSD business, I am confident that I will take the lead before other companies.
6. Even though it is a large company, the judgment and behavior similar to that of a start-up comes from the CEO and corporate culture. Perhaps if it were an existing legacy, the resignation or turnover of high-level executives who have been with it from the beginning could be a problem. Tesla, on the other hand, is very quick to acquire talent and transform its business. As a result, the corporate culture is structured accordingly, so even if high-level executives are replaced, the impact of employee fraud is different from that of existing legacies.
High-level core executives have been fully stock-compensated while working at Tesla and take a break at the end of work. They go on trips or spend more time with their family. It's something they can do because they've done their part and burned it down. Elon respects and appreciates it. High-level executives who will be newly replaced with existing employees will also act on this precedent.
It is the importance of corporate culture. Employees' attitudes toward companies change.
7. Anyway, I will watch for more than 10 years and make long-term investments.
It's okay to decide then while watching until then.
More than any other investor, I believe that the ultimate return and return can be won. And above all, it is one of the few companies that can carry a meaningful weight.
There may be people laughing at or mocking the current stock price because it has fallen. The downward horizontal trend is long and the upward trend is short.
And there's also a conviction that the more ridiculous it is, the greater the rate of return will come.
Whether the stock price falls or rises, it will affect my mood, but it does not have a positive effect on investment.
This is because the portfolio was formed by adjusting the weight according to the bowl.
Four years is short and a long time.
Investment may be a failure now, but investment can be a successful investment at the end of the year or next year.
<도쿄에서 며칠간 지내면서 느낀점들>
*관광객이었고, 단 며칠로 일본을 아네마네 할 생각 없고 옳음/그름의 느낌이 아니니 ㅈㄹ금지
- 지나다니며 본 초/중딩(고딩은 모르겠음)들이 매우 수수하고 순수해 보였고 건강해 보였음.
- 남성들보다 여성들이 미적으로 훨씬 우월했음ㅋㅋ
- 공기가 맑다.
- 일하는 노인들이 많음. 힘든 육체 노동이 아니고, 안내라던지, 택시, 관광지 인근의 인파통제 등… 사람들이 또 그런 지시에 잘 따름.
- 늦은 시간 주택가를 거닐었지만 부랑자/위험해 보이는 사람 없었고, 느껴지는 안전도는 한국과 비슷
- 나이 지긋하신 분들은 말을 잘 걸어준다.(근데 왜 나한테만 중국어를…😭)
- 아이폰 월렛으로 하는 대중교통 결제는 정말 편한듯
- 도시 전체가 돈 쓰기 딱 좋게 컨텐츠들이 잘 만들어져 있는 듯… 이 사람들 컨텐츠를 어떻게 만들고, 어떻게 자연스레 돈 쓰게 만드는지 잘 알고 있다.
- 엄청난 평지다.
- 도쿄의 일상적인 사회에 스며든 외국인이 엄청 많다. 관광객이 아니고 사회의 구성원으로 일하는 외국인을 말함.
- 현대기아차도 택시 전용 모델을 만들어 주면 좋을듯
- 일 하는 사람은 일하는 모습의 복장을 착용하는게 더 프로페셔널해 보이는게 맞는 것 같다. 직장인은 예외없이 검정 정장을 착용하는 것 같아 보임
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