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However, what I am curious about is whether any other Japanese operator instigat


According to SoftBank's earnings report, nothing went further than LY Corporation's earnings that reported earnings the previous day.

So I think I can write what I should write on the original schedule.

However, what I am curious about is whether any other Japanese operator instigated the Japanese government to do this. He said that there are many things that a Softbank CEO can do if he acquires 100% of his stake,

150 billion yen has been allocated for AI-related infrastructure investment,
In fact, you have to spend 150 billion yen building what you rented from Naver

So in other words, if the money is about 1.2 trillion won, it will cost 2.4 trillion won. Naver is not just going to sell its stake, so I think there will be a liquidity issue if you put a premium on it.

Actually, I thought about writing it or not, but this delayed some of LY's line-to-Yahoo account integration. And PayPay's listing was pushed back a bit.

For reference, SoftBank's cash and cash equivalents as of the end of March 2024 were 1.9928 trillion yen. As of the end of March 2023, the amount was 2.591 trillion yen.

Softbank is in a situation where it cannot fall into the winner's curse, even if it secures a stake. So in the LY Corp earnings announcement, there was actually a question about whether the 150 billion yen expenditure was reasonable, specifically a deep dive.

From that point of view, (my novel from here on)

There are three major companies that were mentioned when the OpenAI opening was held on that day, an NHK feature article I accidentally saw while channeling in Nagoya, Japan, three weeks ago. At that time, Softbank was briefly mentioned at the beginning, NTT and KDDI were slightly detailed, and NEC was heavily addressed.

NEC recently released its own AI, for your information. And this time, Sushi Tech Tokyo will see a drive by large companies that claim to be technology in Japan. And it seems a little interesting to see how they compete with Softbank.

P.S.) If you're going to sell, personally, this seems to be the best option.

1) Naver protects or guarantees the business rights of Line in the Southeast Asian region.
2) In addition, Naver will be secured at the desired level of premium.
3) With that funding, it leads to AI investments that go beyond the current strictly implemented CapEx guidance at the previous year's level. <3 things financial experts learned in baseball>

1. Working as a financial expert on Wall Street, I was much more interested in picking baseball players than making easy money.

2. Working on this floor, he realized a few facts.

3. First, players all tended to generalize their experiences.

4. They think what they've been through is typical, but that's not the case.

5. Second, people tended to overtrust recent grades.

6. However, recent grades do not necessarily lead to future grades.

7. Third, prejudice also plays a role in the fact that people have seen or think they have seen it with their own eyes.

8. People become trapped in illusions when they rely entirely on what they see.

9. On the contrary, it can be an opportunity to make money for someone who has overcome such fantasies and seen reality correctly.

10. In addition, there are many things in baseball that you can't see with your eyes.

