[The power system that ESS changes]
(Picture Source: New York Times)
ESS시스템도 차차 다시 매수할때가 온건가?
Photovoltaic (PV) currently accounts for more than half of the global investment in new generation facilities, with more than 500 GW installed this year and 1TW installed annually by 2026.
The reasons for the rapid spread of PV include a drop in facility costs (down to 1/8 over 10 years), the benefits of installing at different scales from 1kw to 10GW, and policy support for carbon-free power.
The weakness of PV is that there are many hidden costs at the level of the power system because there is no electricity at night. California has good sunlight, which is advantageous for PV. In 2021, there was a serious hidden cost problem because a lot of gas generators had to be turned when there was no PV power generation.
Three years later, the problem is easing with the rapid spread of ESS. Gas power generation and electricity imports from other states are decreasing, and PV power generation and ESS discharge are supplementing this. This trend will accelerate as the price of ESS has fallen more than 40% this year compared to last year.
Following California, Texas is likely to see a similar pattern. There are currently more ESSs in Texas than there are in California. Most of these ESSs use Chinese-made LFP battery technology and have a variety of uses other than simple energy storage/release.
Before it's too late, we must also break the double and triple latch on Chinese-made LFP battery ESSs and actively utilize them. If KEPCO cannot afford to provide financial resources to invest in transmission and distribution networks, and the government's financial investment is difficult, ESS should be used to minimize investment in new transmission and distribution networks. Even the United States, which is competing for supremacy with China, is actively using it because it is more profitable than profit. I urge our government to make a quick decision.
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