More food production than population growth!
Over the past six decades, the world's population has grown rapidly, but farmers have grown fruits and vegetables faster.
1. the past
In almost all human history, food has been scarce for almost everyone. The reason for this constant shortage is that every time food production increases, food per person does not increase, but there are more people.
As a result, even though overall food production increased, food production per capita did not increase. Due to population growth, living standards were barely above survival levels. Economic historians call this mechanism the Malthus trap.
2. Recently
This has changed in the last few decades. More and more societies around the world have emerged from the Malthus trap. We can see food production per capita rising in the data below. According to this chart, farmers grew more fruits, vegetables and nuts faster than the world population grew.
The increase in global agricultural output was crucial to the 'reduction in hunger and famine' achieved by the world during this time.
3. Future Tasks
Whether we can end hunger worldwide depends on whether this increase in food production will continue.
And most of all, it depends on how you can distribute food evenly to everyone.
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