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U.S stocks [2025] ISSUE arrangemet

한미 동맹 불안정성


한국과 인도의 트럼프 지지율 차이는 여러 요인에서 비롯됩니다.

1. 한국이 트럼프를 부정적으로 보는 이유

한미 동맹 불안정성
트럼프는 한미 방위비 분담금 인상을 강하게 요구하며 "주한미군 철수"를 언급하기도 했습니다. 이는 한국인들에게 미국의 안보 공약에 대한 불안감을 주었습니다.

대북 정책 변화
트럼프는 김정은과 정상회담을 하며 "톱다운 방식"의 외교를 했지만, 비핵화 협상이 성과 없이 끝나며 남북관계가 오히려 경색되었습니다. 북한 문제에 대한 혼란스러운 접근이 한국 내 반감을 키웠습니다.

보호무역주의와 경제 정책
트럼프의 보호무역 정책과 대중국 무역전쟁은 한국 경제에도 영향을 미쳤습니다. 특히 반도체, 자동차 등 대미 수출 의존도가 높은 산업이 불안정해졌습니다.

2. 인도가 트럼프를 긍정적으로 보는 이유

미중 경쟁에서 인도의 전략적 중요성 상승
트럼프는 중국 견제에 집중하며 인도를 중요한 파트너로 인정했습니다. 이는 인도인들에게 미국과의 관계 강화에 대한 기대감을 높였습니다.

미국-인도 경제 협력 강화
트럼프 정부는 인도의 경제 발전을 긍정적으로 평가하며, 방위 및 IT 산업에서 협력을 강화했습니다. 이는 인도 내 친미 정서를 형성하는 데 기여했습니다.

트럼프와 모디의 유사한 정치 스타일
나렌드라 모디 총리와 트럼프는 강한 민족주의 성향과 '강한 지도자' 이미지를 공유합니다. 인도 내 우익 성향 유권자들은 트럼프의 스타일에 호감을 느낄 가능성이 높습니다.

결론적으로, 한국은 트럼프의 동맹국 경시, 불안정한 외교정책, 보호무역 기조로 인해 부정적 시각이 강한 반면, 인도는 미국의 전략적 지원과 경제 협력 증가로 긍정적으로 평가하는 경향이 있습니다.

< How do churchgoers become stupid>

Are churchgoers stupid, or does the church make people stupid? The former means that a stupid person attends church, and the latter means that they are not stupid, but they become stupid while attending church. If someone says they are stupid to Korean Protestants, it means that it started with the latter and ended up with the former. That's how the church made people. Dumbness is a kind of disorder that has lost the ability to live a healthy life in social order. As Dietrich Bonhofeffer put it, the disorder of stupidity is not a lack of intelligence, but a lack of humanity.  

Bonhofer says that in order to escape from stupidity, you have to be freed from the wrong people and gain independence. You have to recognize yourself in the free dimension of an independent individual, not within the structure of power. Bonhofer does not advance any further discussion in this area. We can't expect any further discussion in that it's a contemplative essay he wrote in prison.

However, Erich Fromm, who lived in the same era as Bonhofer, analyzes this stupidity in detail in social and psychological terms, and pushes the discussion to the end. It is his book, "The Escape from Freedom." Fromm's book is not about freedom, but about the inexile of freedom. Humans who had lived in religious and social ties until the Middle Ages came to modern times and met freedom, but I think that freedom brought anxiety. The Christian worldview, which thought that God and man were connected as one, constrained people religiously, but brought psychological stability. Fromm calls it a "primitive bond."

Fromm sees the beginning of the loss of the original bond as a mythical event in which Adam picked good and evil. The pursuit of good and evil is seen as the beginning of the problem of deportation and anxiety at the same time as an event in which humans have acquired freedom from God. Humans have acquired freedom by escaping the primary bond between God and nature, but that freedom leads to a loss of bond and falls into anxiety of existence.

The Reformation emerged at this time. Luther and Calvin freed people from the authority of the church through the Reformation and gave them freedom, but they made them submit to more fundamental authority, which they say is God. He established a divine concept as an authority promising salvation in exchange for giving up his personal self. A contradiction arose in which people who were liberated from the authority of the church and freed through the Reformation had to give up freedom for salvation.

Calvin's presumption theory also has a duality in the same vein. They believed that human will and effort were useless before God because there were those who were scheduled to be saved and those who were not before birth. However, Calvin and his followers were convinced that they belonged to a group that was scheduled to be saved. The contradictions within Luther and Calvin's Protestant Reformation were freedom and bonds, the mechanism of self-deprecation and the certainty of redemption.  

However, Luther and Calvin's belief as a condition of salvation is linked to the logic that the definition of submitting to God's absoluteness through self-deprecation (abandoning oneself) should be completely obeyed by the state and those in power. People followed Hitler at this time when Hitler appeared in German society, which had lost World War I and was economically and politically unstable. People gave up their freedom (fleeing from freedom) and relied on strong authority. Fromm's diagnosis showed that Hitler's followers of Christians, whom Bonhofer was reluctant to lament, stemmed from the Protestant Church's Protestant Reformation. It is believed that Christian faith did not have a positive effect on individual personality and society, but rather pursued immoral power by confusing power and authority with feelings of dependence on God.

It is understandable in this context that Pastor Lee Chan-soo preached a sermon about praying and reserving judgment on which side is right in the event of a civil war. The human view and worldview of Christian fundamentalism, which are incompetent and ignorant before God, led to the defense of powerful political power. Progressive governments are also slow to produce results because they reasonably act in order and place procedures above processes. The progressive regime appears to be weak. On the other hand, the conservative regime boldly breaks order and shows off its power, ignoring procedures and processes. There appears to be a concentration of power and authority in the conservative regime. It disguises the feeling of intimacy and dependence on power and authority as a religious act of prayer. Praying with a closed eye to the revealed facts means not to make rational thoughts and judgments. It means that we should all become fools.

Paul says in his letter to his disciple Demode (Descendants 6:5). "When the mind is corrupted and the truth is lost, a quarrel arises among those who consider reverence as a way of profit." The word that has been translated as mind is "nous" in the Hellenic Bible. The meaning of reason is stronger. It refers to reason as an institution of thinking that understands the world and existence. When reason is corrupt, the truth is lost. The truth here is called "ale-theia" in the Hellenic Bible. The etymology of this word is "not hidden." In other words, it means the fact that it is exposed so that anyone can know it. Those who are corrupt and have a blurred judgment mean that they cannot judge facts or distort them arbitrarily. Such a person says that he or she thinks of reverence as a way of profit.

This phrase refers to Demode's attitude as a pastor. Paul's request is that you should not lose your ability to judge things and facts properly. Paul did not demand high-level spirituality, biblical knowledge, sophisticated sermons, and high-level pastoral techniques as a pastor, but rather rational thinking and judgment. That's what things are


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