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U.S stocks [2025] ISSUE arrangemet

Yesterday and today, I was so sick


Yesterday and today, I was so sick and sad that it was hard to do anything. Heaven asked my father to talk to Heaven kindly, so I burst into tears and cried a lot. Even now, I am crying. I will wipe my tears and do what I have to do. I will remember.

My first daughter, Jian, was accepted as a Sejong technology teacher. As the child of a public education teacher and the first child of a multi-child family, I minimized private education and let them study on their own. As I heard that I needed to become a high school student, I went to an academy for English and mathematics, and I took online lectures for the appointment exam. On the way home, I used to drive around at Osong Station and talk about education. In a family where both parents are educators, my first daughter became a teacher.

This afternoon, the Sejong Institute of Education conducted training on elementary care workers, special education practitioners, and special school practitioners for new appointments as education officials. I gave a two-hour lecture on the theme of "Me and the Children Meet in Brain Science and Enneagram." We opened our minds by playing simple games, looked at brain science and psychology in an integrated way, and had time to meet ourselves using human understanding and enneagram cards.
'It was like watching a play.'
Oh, I didn't have enough songs today. I'll see you next time with musical style training.

Tomorrow, we are going to the Youth Center in Sangju, Gyeongsangbuk-do for an enneagram workshop. Today was an enneer play, so tomorrow we are going to an enneer musical.

How can I reduce conflict among children?
Two adults with developed prefrontal lobes love each other, legally make a living arrangement, and even get divorced after having children. DEAR DIFFERENT: Personality is the number one reason for divorce.
Children are bound to have conflicts. First of all, they get anxious, sad, and angry because they don't know themselves well. So we have to start with 'know-what wisdom.' Misunderstanding leads to conflict, and understanding leads to love.
It is very important to meet Enneagram, especially in the upper grades of elementary school and middle school. Enneagram has the view that personality begins with fear. When you look into the abyss and learn about that fear, you will be able to recognize and accept fear without being gripped by it.

- So that no one is sad. - JUNG HO SEUNG

Until we meet again
So that no one is sad
Don't fall asleep

Being kind is
I'm happier than having everything
Happiness is always
It's the place we're most afraid of

I can't bring myself to do this empty-handedly
Miss you
It's blooming as a flower of grass
Sleeping with the petals of blood

Until we meet again
Don't fall asleep
So that no one is sad
- Jung Hoseung. So that no one is sad
