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Spain's "Valencia," which supported Lee Kang-in from his youth to his family's l


Foreign media reports criticizing Lee Kang-in are continuing in Europe, the United States, and far away Argentina.
Fox News said it was an incident that lacked "respect."

Spain's "Valencia," which supported Lee Kang-in from his youth to his family's living expenses and fostered Lee Kang-in, released him as Spain's opponent team "Mayorka" for almost free, his post-transfer attitude from Mallorca to Paris Saint-Germain, and Lee Kang-in, who was photographed as a "troubled child" in Spain, devotedly passed to world-class players such as "Mbappe" in PSG, but the Korean national team destroyed the team spirit by neglecting his seniors by taking his talent and popularity through TV for granted from his youth.

Parisien, PSG: Suspicions have been raised that Lee Kang-in tried to attack South Korean captain Son Heung-min.
PSG : Kang-In Lee aurait tenté de frapper Heung-Min Son, le capitaine de la Corée-du-Sud

"Lee Kang-in tried to hit Son Heung-min." Kang-In Lee auraitenté de frapper Son mentioned a revolt  
"Son Heung-min hurt his finger while trying to calm everyone down," he said.
Son s’est blessé au doigt en essayant de calmer tout le monde .

Argentine media reported that soccer hero Lionel Messi was a shocking incident in which a young "promising rookie" brandished a fist and insulted him.

PSG has decided to suspend construction of the PSG Store, which will be opened in Dosan-ro, Seoul in March, and reexamine its plan to invest 58 billion won (58 million U.S. dollars) in Korea for three years, while discussing plans for the PSG soccer team to visit Korea again this summer. The move is inevitable for PSG's reputation and reputation."

L'EQUIPE, another French sports media outlet, also reported the problem, saying, "It causes internal strife in the ear."

Without Son Heung-min's hard work, he could not reach the semifinals. In particular, in the pK scene against Australia, Lee Kang-in showed Hwang Hee-chan's angry expression as he said he would kick the pk, and Lee Kang-in, a TV broadcaster, turned around when Son Heung-min pushed Lee Kang-in away and said he was dissatisfied.

Despite Son Heung-min's finger injury and fighting spirit, Lee Kang-in and two teammates, who were playing the "water bottle" game while laughing on the field just before the Jordan game, caused Son Heung-min a "complete frustration" ahead of the important game
