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Starting with 20 million won per month in online


#Inflation #Bitcoin
Let me explain about inflation and Bitcoin

First of all, the target price that the Fed wants is 2%. But it seems a little difficult to drop this far. Therefore, prices are likely to support in the 3% to 4% range. Then, should the Fed cut interest rates or not? The Fed's goal is to stabilize prices, not to raise the stock market.


先日、プバオが中国に戻って話題になったと聞いています。 韓国にいる間もソーシャルメディアを通じて人気を集め、中国に戻る際には送別会が開かれたということです。 別れの場面が盛り込まれた映像は、1日で再生数が900万に迫ったという。

あるニュース映像ではペットドルを「育てる」あるユーチューバーの話が出てきた。 保管しやすいサイズの石の家を飾り、帽子や目をつけてまるでペットのように育てるということです。 他のニュースではカバンに動物の人形を付けたりリボンで飾る「バック飾り」が流行しているという便りが出てきます。 昔なら大人の大人が人形を持ち歩くと白眼視されたことが、20代の間でトレンドになったのです。

記憶をたどってみると、類似の事例が浮かびます。 会社員の塗り絵の本が流行ったこともあり、おもちゃを楽しむキダルトという言葉が作られたりもしました。 このような事例は必ずしも「かわいい物や対象」に限られるものではありません。 以前、チームメンバーとの会話で聞いた内容ですが、アイドルと1:1でカカオトークをするような経験を与えるサービスを有料で購読していると言っていました。 韓国のアイドルとファンダムの関係が類似恋愛に近いという指摘を出した最近のある女性アイドルの恋愛公開事例も思い浮かびます。

各事例ごとに文化的脈絡が違うだろうが、あるパターンが見えるようだと思った。 限りなく可愛くて愛らしい対象に対する欲望と没入です。 韓国が特殊なのかは分かりませんが、特に韓国では若い女性が恋愛対象の時、まるで弟や動物のように世話をして、飾って、触って、面倒を見てあげたい文化的トラフがあるようだと思ってきました。

私に抵抗せず限りなく可愛くて愛らしくて、その場にいてくれるある対象。 経験に照らしてみれば、このような対象が最も必要であり、最も没頭するようになる時は人生が最も大変な時です。 私の生涯アイドルに最も関心が高かった時代は軍隊時代でした。 寝そべって猫や犬のショーツに限りなく夢中になる時代があるとしたら、つらい日々を送っている時期ではないでしょうか?


一方では、自分の思い通りに仕方なく受け入れなければならない人生の荒くて重い壁に出会った時、そしてその絶望感を解消できず日常で光を探そうとする時、人間はどんな対象でも可愛さと大切さを見つけ出そうと努めるのではないでしょうか。 社会生活に疲れ、親バカになる家長が感じる人生の重さとも接している脈絡でしょう。 絶望や学習された無気力を解消するためには、チン·ソンミの経験が必要なようです。 過去にはカタルシスや崇高な美を与える人物、歴史、神話、宗教、スポーツ、共同体、行事、リチュアルが存在したとすれば、このすべてが徹底的に解体され崩れてしまった今日に,人生の重さに耐える誰かはもう石を拾って子供であるかのように大事に育てることです。 感情経験を通じて人生が無彩色の世界にならないように努める姿ではないでしょうか。


ノイズキャンセリングのヘッドホンを使用してから何年も経ちます。 ソニーの最新製品に変えてから2年ほど経ったようですが、地下鉄で移動しながら使ってみると、自分の肌の外の世界と断絶している感じがしました。 音を取り消すのではなく、世の中が私に与える影響自体を取り消すのではないか、と思いました。 '私は世の中を取り消します! 私は自分が聞きたいことを聞く!」という好機な文章を思い浮かべました。

自分だけの世界に没頭するということは、実はかなり危険なことです。 物理的に外部の感覚を遮断する技術を活用する場合にも、私に反応できない特定対象に対する愛と世話で私の日常を満たすこともです。 下手な哲学者なら生存と真善美経験のために「私に抵抗できないこと」と愛に陥ることにはどんな狂気が介入すると言うかもしれません。 無人島に孤立した者がバレーボールのボールに人格を付与することやノートパソコンと恋に落ち、結婚式を挙げる人が石を養子にする現象に似ていると言うなら、ちょっとやりすぎの飛躍でしょうか? 機械で感覚世界を断絶し、対象と恋に落ちる人々は、人工知能と恋をし、ロボットと結婚することに抵抗感を少なく感じるだろうと言ったらどうでしょうか?

好気な人なら、対象との人を止めて再び世の中に出なければならないと主張するのではないでしょうか? 画面の中のパンダではなく、目の前の人を見てくださいよ。 石を愛さずに周りを見てみましょう。 アイドルと想像恋愛しないで、誰かに心を尽くしてみてくださいよ。 ところが、頭の中ではこのような結論に至ったとしても、世の中を向き合ってその抵抗と苛立ちに耐えながら対象でない他者と生きていくということは、可愛くも美しくも大切でもないのかも知れません。

それでも人生は今ここにあるという話はできそうです。 画面や私の遥かな想像の中ではなく、息を吐き出し、吐き出し続け、新しい瞬間を迎え、生きている今の私は、何よりも可愛くて愛らしいことができる、清らかで明るい人生の瞬間に出会っているのではないでしょうか。

People have a little misunderstanding, but the stock market is not about Powell's lip service moving, but about the forces dancing.

Why? Shouldn't there be a "reason" for the drop later?
There is a justification for both the decline and the rise.

It's all clear, but as a result, the stock market's rise depends on = companies = AI's productivity improvement. Companies are doing well and raising GDP. Powell's lip service has an impact, but it's not that big. So Powell also said, 'My snout is not going to raise your stock market. Companies are doing it.'

Then what about inflation? It's getting caught, but it's not going down well
"What? If inflation doesn't go down, everyone will die, right?"
No. Buying is good because the U.S. economy seems to be booming as it enters an expansionary phase. The stock market is consistently good, and the economy is definitely getting better. But if you call that guy panic, it's not now.

Prices just don't go down well, but there is a high possibility that they will eventually catch up.
There are good and bad things when caught, but the good thing is that the U.S. has done it and the economy to buy the bad is weak, so it cannot buy it and prices fall.

Then there's a high possibility that you'll make a cut then.
I think it's going to be a trigger for panic.

That's why the Nasdaq has been running nonstop since 2023. Then the adjuster is likely to be in the second quarter (current).

However, as I said in the past, it has been claimed that it is Nasdaq=Bitcoin, not gold=Bitcoin, and as you can see from the recent crisis in Iran and Israel, Bitcoin has been adjusted along with Nasdaq.

The rationale is that Bitcoin could be a correction in the second quarter. That's why you have to be conservative and you have to look at buying slowly and for a long time. It's not the end of the season. Why? Because the U.S. economy is going to be solid.

What year is 2024? Be technical.
Technology stocks = Bitcoin. Yes, Bitcoin is also a technology stock. Blockchain.
As you know, the fact that it went up with the AI cycle is fact.

So, of course, it's the shaman's domain to guess the rising 'time'.
But the probability is that there may be a Q2 adjustment cycle, so what response should we take? You have to come out in return to invest.

How do you know when to buy and sell?
How do I know when it's going to go up
Do the brippers know? I don't know. They're human, too.
It depends on the length of the section, but I keep saying that the reason why I don't raise the chart in this section is because it is the "area of response."

You have to understand this.
This is the section where long-term investment in installment purchases is the answer.
Are you going to buy here or wait for a bottom buy?
Try it
In the end, they are bound to buy in installments.

Thank you for reading it. Don't run away like a demure person. Just press one like or whatever you do, thank you and give it a hard time.

the reality of commerce

Starting with 20 million won per month in online sales, you will now face the reality of commerce by advertising beauty brands that achieve 200 million won per month in a stable manner. I write down some of the things I felt through the years when there was no sales at all, when there was a loss, when there was a loss, and when I gradually reduced the deficit and entered the surplus.

1. Concerns about sales channels
Coupang fees, in addition to the open market, exceed 10% and approach 40-50%. Eventually, the end of the business is that there is sales but no profit. Even beauty products with low cost-effectiveness can be quite unwelcome to profit from outside malls. Therefore, strategies for constituent products are important. Whether it should cause sales in its own mall or outside mall, it eventually begins with the composition strategy of the products it has.

2. Product line-up
Among the places that are maintained only as top tier products, those with less involvement eventually encounter limitations in sales. Even large companies such as Apple and Samsung that we commonly know have a full lineup. Although more than 80% of sales are driven by profitable products, if there is no product that supports 20%, that is also the limit of sales. Therefore, it is necessary to make the product lineup solid. In the fashion industry, steady sellers are white tees, but the contact point that eventually makes them buy white tees comes from 20% of products.

3. Consistency of Concept
It is a very reckless challenge to suddenly switch to another category while selling a well-selling product. Sometimes this reckless challenge can lead to success, but the possibility is very slim. That's why we need to immediately understand what characteristics the best-selling product initially had and why our customers chose our product. That's where the product lineup begins. If you ignore this, you'll be able to navigate a lot of alleys to get to the right product lineup.

4. Operating profit simulation
When there are a lot of situations where sales are high and the surrounding area is booming, I am unknowingly drunk on sales and make reckless investments. The health of operating profit is ultimately what makes you cautious every time you do that. In fact, it is very easy to predict production, advertising, and marketing costs that we see. However, it is quite easy to cover our eyes with the cost of the future in the name of investment. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate exactly how much I earn each month.

5. Organizational competence
The biggest competency in a manufacturer or brand company is literally manufacturing, and if you are a brand company, you must have distribution. Marketing is a separate area. Opportunity costs are incurred when acquiring competencies other than those we have, as are all businesses. What is important here is how sustainably and in a good picture this opportunity cost is. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly and accurately distinguish between our core competencies and areas we need to outsource. A beautiful structure is created at that point.



For some time, "Ferry Sewol" itself was considered a political expression
I couldn't tell you the Ferry Sewol. What a time I couldn't understand.

Disaster disasters do not end with an investigation-punishment-loss trial.

Thorough fact-finding-responsible measures not limited to legal responsibility-establishment of measures to prevent repeated disasters-The procedure for daily recovery of victims (meaning both bereaved families and assistants) must be publicly and transparently carried out. Through all of the processes, victims can live again by trusting the community, the community can heal wounds, and we can all protect each other's safety.

During Ferry Sewol, our community couldn't do that. So the bereaved families and solidarity have been doing it on their own for 10 years. In the meantime, the Itaewon disaster was repeated. What should we do.


[The tragedy can't be concluded with just a trial]

The warehouse caught fire. This is the reason the embers erupted during the welding process. The embers flew to the urethane foam in the exposed wall sandwich panel, and the fire quickly moved to the ceiling and spread throughout the warehouse on the urethane foam applied between the walls and ceilings. A fire that started at one small construction site quickly swept through the entire warehouse. People were killed and the objects that were stacked were burned down. Fire protection shutters, sprinklers, or fire alarms did not work. Welders, construction workers, and facility management personnel were criminally punished. Civil trials followed. As I was involved in one of several trials spanning the end of the major disaster, I felt frustrated. It was impossible to know what measures were needed to prevent the recurrence of such an accident. At the very least, it seemed clear that civil and criminal rulings could not fully serve as a countermeasure against recurrence.

This is the case with the trial. It is the process of reconstructing the situation from an ex post perspective to see if there are any violations of the law, and determining where the legal responsibility lies by examining the significant causal relationship between the cause and effect. The presence or absence of responsibility is judged based on the law at the time, and the data for judgment are limited to those that were published in the hearing process. It is useful for identifying and organizing acts that directly cause disasters, but it is very limited to prepare for the future. The fire would not have occurred if the embers did not spark during the welding process, but the simple approach of 'punishing welders to prevent errors in the welding process' cannot prevent the recurrence of a major disaster. Instead, it is necessary to consider what needs to be done to prevent errors in the welding process that can occur anytime, anywhere from leading to a large fire, and how to secure rescue and evacuation routes in the event of a fire. To solve the problem, it is necessary to accurately identify the cause. Therefore, in the case of a major disaster, a thorough fact-finding must be preceded.

On the other hand, the law orders the community to have a specific system to ensure the safe rights of community members and to ensure safety, but it cannot be regulated in preparation for all disaster situations beyond this. Safety management and rescue capabilities that respond appropriately to various situations are completed with the awareness of the safety of the community, not the law, and the expertise and responsibility of safety management personnel. This is why a large disaster cannot be closed with a trial by setting it only as a subject to judicial action.

The Ferry Sewol disaster occurred on April 16, 2014. The entire nation watched the ferry sinking slowly. I remember muttering that I was fortunate to hear the report 'all passengers were rescued'. When it was revealed that the report was misinformation and 304 passengers died or went missing, it didn't seem real. It was embarrassing to learn that most of the passengers were students who were instructed to 'stay still'. It was not known belatedly that the ship accident was not known, but I wondered why the numerous people had not been rescued. The truth had to be found, from the accident to the rescue failure. Rather than staying only in the process of taking legal responsibility, the fact-finding should be carried out smoothly as a responsible measure, a measure to prevent a recurrence of similar incidents, and the recovery of victims' daily lives, including the bereaved families. The entire process had to be carried out in a transparent and responsible manner, as it was a procedure to ensure the safety of the community. In doing so, it had to earn the trust of the victims and community members, mourn the victims of the disaster, and move forward together to a safer society. However, it was not possible.

A large fire broke out again in the warehouse, killing dozens of people. Welding proceeded in a place with flammable and flammable materials such as urethane foam, and evacuation routes were not secured. Itaewon was expected to be crowded with countless people, but there were no guidance and control measures in the narrow and sloping alley. In the center of Seoul, 159 people died overnight. Whenever a disaster occurs, investigations are conducted and trials are held. However, if a disaster is concluded only with a trial, the disaster will vary in various ways and be repeated. This is because trials for the past fail to secure future safety, and legal responsibility is only the narrowest one. It marks the 10th anniversary of the Ferry Sewol disaster. People pay tribute to the victims by vowing to build a safe society whether they go to work, play or travel.
