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금리인하가능성은 아직 시시상조이긴한데 어차피 내리긴할겁니다


Since US interest rates are likely to be cut, at least not to rise, the US stock market is more than 70 to 80% likely to make money if invested.

금리인하가능성은 아직 시시상조이긴한데
어차피 내리긴할겁니다

다만 이 분의 글을보면 금리인하 후 정상화까지
미리 선반영한 주가일 수 있다는 의견이시네요

듣다보니 또 맞는말같긴함

Nevertheless, I personally don't have capital because the reason I can't invest is that I don't have capital. The expected value of running a business at that time is much higher. Without capital, a business is not good, but I have recently created some.

The U.S. stock market is at its peak because interest rates are likely to be cut, but now it seems that it should be viewed as a "base management" matter.

The reason the U.S. is focused on managing interest rates and inflation is that there is a lot of momentum for inflation as protectionism drives capital and jobs to the U.S., and imports from the international sector. In other words, there is a lot of power to go up sharply. This is why Michael Burry bet against a U.S. stock market crash last year that there would be a panic in the U.S. This is why he said so, but I opposed it. I thought the Fed would strictly manage interest rates as conservative as long as it is not a fool. If prices go up sharply, the reaction could lead to shock and panic. So the timing of the rate cut is delayed more than the market expected.

The reason why the U.S. economy is considering cutting interest rates even though the stock market is at its peak and the U.S. economy is still good.
