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실전 주식투자, 알아두면 큰 도움되는 10가지 10 Practical Stock Investment Tips 실전 주식투자, 알아두면 큰 도움되는 10가지 Here are 10 tips from someone who has invested in 20 years. Before that "Just look at it for five years, and it'll be going up..." 1. We don't need leverage It's fun to make good on margin trading and options, It's very harsh when you lose it. If you use leverage, you can lose more than 100%. "If you're smart, you don't need leverage, .. 더보기
출산율을 높이는 방법은 이게 최고인듯? Leave the child unattended to increase the birth rate? 출산율을 높이는 방법은 이게 최고인듯? 근데 우리나라에서 이게 가능하려면...그런날이..... 올 수 있을까? 의문 1. Even if you spend money, the fertility rate will continue to fall anyway - Global Common 2. Policy factors such as childcare allowance and maternity leave have little to do with the fertility rate statistically 3. The highly correlated variable is 1) the time children spend .. 더보기
일본에서 달인들 다 격파하고 다니는분 참 대단합니다 Japanese entertainment that I happened to see... That attitude of constantly trying and challenging that can't be seen in Korean entertainment... 일본에서 달인들 다 격파하고 다니는분 참 대단합니다 That woman, whose name is Morikawa, shows the spirit of challenge and effort through the process of acquiring the tricks performed by various masters. This video is a video of a failure and lying down, but there are so many.. 더보기
군사정권에서나 조용히 넘어갔지...이제는 사람목숨이 매우 중요시되는 사회가 되야합니다. In fact, things like mysterious and accidental deaths caused by wrong command in the military happen once in a while, and so far, there are many things that have been forgotten without anyone knowing the truth. Especially during the military regime, you must have cried out. 군사정권에서나 조용히 넘어갔지...이제는 사람목숨이 매우 중요시되는 사회가 되야합니다. It would have been forgotten if the Yoon Suk Yeol government had given Col.. 더보기
🍅🥭(6 sentences that you must see if you can't try)🫒🍅 (6 sentences that you must see if you can't try) 1. I can't change another person's attitude toward me with effort, but I can change my attitude toward that person. 2. You can't make as much money as a chaebol You can live without being pressed for money and not poor. 3. You can't be loved by everyone with your efforts You can develop a sense of self-esteem that can make you happy even if you ar.. 더보기
내 인생을 내것으로 만드는 방법 내 인생을 내것으로 만드는 방법 13 Criteria for Helping Wise Judgment on Relationships and People ​ If you're an intelligent person, you should Not only can you love it, You should also be able to hate your friends. Friedrich Nietzsche- ​ 1. If you're not a good friend, you don't have to make friends. 2. When I meet someone who is lonely, he makes me feel more lonely. 3. Meet a person in a happy state, then h.. 더보기
대한민국 국제결혼 폭증 외국인들이랑 대화하다보면 뭔가 영혼과 영혼이 연결되는듯한 대화를 하는 사람들이 있는데 확실히 돈돈거리는 사회에서 무한경쟁으로 자란사람과는 차이가 있긴하더라구요 서로 조건이 까다로워지면 처음부터 국제결혼이 나을 수 있음 한국남자들은 대다수 40세를 마지노선으로 국제결혼을 하시는듯하네요 사실 요즘은 가정적이고 착한 호구남들이 많아서 한국남자가 결혼시장에선 참 좋지않나 싶네요 이상한 또라이성격들 말고.. 평균적으로... 옛날에는 일본여자가 이상한 결혼사상이 많았는데 요즘은 일본여자가 정신을 제대로 잡은듯하고 일본드라마 보고 커온 우리나라가 이제는 이상한 드라마 양성해서 중국까지 영향주는듯함 한국과 중국은 진짜 하나부터 열까지 일본따라가는 느낌이네요 ㅋㅋ 한국은 일본따라가고 중국은 한국따라가고 한 세대가 종말해.. 더보기
Sakyamuni denied Atman, an immortal soul 1 Sakyamuni denied Atman, an immortal soul that is completely separated from the body. "I" is just a lump that temporarily combines my body, my living memories, and my relationship with others. "I" even denies the reality of being, but there is no room for the concept of a soul that is eternal. 2 There seems to be a controversy in the Buddhist world because Monk Hyangbong made remarks that seeme.. 더보기
