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U.S stocks [2025] ISSUE arrangemet

Trump betrayed Ukraine [Trump betrayed Ukraine?] It's not uncommon to hear "traitors" about Trump trying to loot Ukraine's burial sites while forcing Ukraine to sign a humiliating cease-fire agreement by recognizing Russia's territorial takeover as an existing fact. Of course, this would be nothing short of a betrayal from the perspective of the invaded Ukraine. However, if we observe Trump's somewhat rough and unconv.. 더보기
Japan panicked when Trump "Japan panicked when Trump announced a mutual tariff on imported cars from the U.S. around April 2/Lee Sun-hoon"Korea is also in a serious situation, but in the case of Japan, the seriousness is hard to guess because the automobile industry is almost the only export industry with international competitiveness.Transportation equipment accounts for 22.6% of Japan's exports, of which automobile-rel.. 더보기
David Desteno's book David Desteno's book 'The Law of Trust' David Schipler's book "The working pore, Invisible in America""Good to Great" by Jim CollinsAnd if you look at the paper "CFO Effort and Public Firms' Financial Information Environment", you can see one thing in common. These are books dealing with completely different topics, so you might wonder what they have in common, but it is difficult to solve probl.. 더보기
The whole of Europe, including the The whole of Europe, including the UK, seems to be in a state of panic.I think I thought they were people who could talk to at least listen to what they wanted, but I think I'll change my mind a lot with Barnes's speech yesterday.While living in the UK, what I felt was that the left of Europe is far left of the Democratic Party of America, and the right of the Republican Party of America is far .. 더보기
In the 1970s, Sears was 1. In the 1970s, Sears was the world's largest retail company, headquartered in the world's tallest building, and its employees were enormous. 2. And Sears, based on its great success in retail, entered various sectors, including finance, in the 1970s and 1980s. In short, Sears was like the Amazon of today. It became a retail giant and threatened its competitors by entering into a field unrelate.. 더보기
What should I do with the 52-hour system? What should I do with the 52-hour system?Originally, it was 40 hours a week. From Monday to Friday, 5 days a day, 8 hours a day. At our time, we worked 72 hours a week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. In fact, if you spend more than 12 hours at work, you will do something else in front of your desk. Just keeping your seat...If it's 52 hours, you have to work 12 hours a week, .. 더보기
미국 증시, 소비 부진에도 13F 등으로 인한 개별 종목에 주목하며 혼조 마감 서상영님 시장리뷰 ㅣ 02/17 미국 증시, 소비 부진에도 13F 등으로 인한 개별 종목에 주목하며 혼조 마감미 증시는 부진한 소매판매 발표에도 국채 금리 하락과 달러 약세를 기반으로 보합권 혼조세로 출발. 이후 장 초반 매물 출회되며 하락하기도 했지만, 엔비디아(+2.57%)등 개별 종목의 영향에 따라 나스닥이 상승 전환하는 등 종목에 집중하는 경향. 특히 기관투자자들의 13F 제출 마감일 맞아 포트폴리오 변화가 발표된 점도 종목에 영향을 준 점도 영향. 이후 주요 지수는 보합권 등락을 보이며 혼조 마감(다우 -0.37%, 나스닥 +0.41%, S&P500 -0.01%, 러셀2000 -0.10%, 필라델피아 반도체 지수 +0.09%)*변화 요인: 미국 소비 둔화미국 1월 소매판매는 전월 대비 0.9%(.. 더보기
Over the past year, I have 1. Over the past year, I have been using ChatGPT more than Google search. Especially after the appearance of o1, Google search has become less and less used. This is because the quality difference in information search is very large. 2. Since January of this year, people have used ChatGPT Pro, and Google searches have become scarce. Google searches are used to find visual data, such as a company.. 더보기
