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U.S stocks [2025] ISSUE arrangemet

Subscription paradox: Are we really free or trapped in a new bondage? [Subscription paradox: Are we really free or trapped in a new bondage?] Driven by a magical spell of "W9,900 per month," we dive into a new world of subscriptions every day. The days when Netflix swallowed movies and Spotify music are a long time ago. Now is the time when refrigerators subscribe to ingredients, closets hire stylists, and even breathing air is sold flat-rate. Under the slogan "F.. 더보기
Try it~! The phonograph doesn't explode yet, so it's a good mstr to invest in Sm 💡 Try it~! The phonograph doesn't explode yet, so it's a good mstr to invest inSmartest leveraged strategy (s.t Bitcoin rise) 🚀1. Analysis of MSTR Strategies That Have Been PostponedThis company is... Everyone knows it's a crazy company that borrows money (even paid-in capital increase!) and buys BTC, right? 😵💫💸2. But, if you look closely, there are so many interesting points! Personally, i.. 더보기
The EU has long pursued an energy [Trump 2.0 - Energy and International Relations 6](I'm going to organize last month's lecture and post it as a series. Please refer to it.)3 lines summary1. The EU has long pursued an energy transition policy, but the energy crisis caused by the Russian war has severely damaged industrial competitiveness2. The U.S. mobilized various tactics to increase fossil fuel exports, including securing the.. 더보기
Trump has demanded a 50% Trump has demanded a 50% stake in rare earths from Ukraine in exchange for negotiations over the end of the war. I have repeatedly criticized Korean intellectuals for lacking in reality and leaning toward ideals when looking at the international situation...The view of the war between Trump and Ukraine is also biased toward idealism, and Korean intellectuals do not see the reality properly.He sa.. 더보기
Evil grows when good is Evil grows when good is not firm. When Hitler just came into politics, no one was firm. Before Hitler invaded Poland, there were dozens of ways to stop him. No one was firm. Among those who could stop him...Both the right and the left were the same. So were Britain's ruling right-wing cabinet and France's ruling People's Front-left cabinet. Stalin signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler and eve.. 더보기
미국증시 요일별 주목할 이슈 서상영님글 ㅣ 02/17 주간 이슈 점검: 외환시장* 미국증시 요일별 주목할 이슈17(월): 미국 휴장, 연준위원 발언18(화): 트럼프, 머스크 인터뷰(사전녹화)19(수): FOMC의사록, 애플 신제품과 주가20(목): 월마트 실적과 소비행태21(금): 23일 독일 총선과 유로화* 주간 주요 일정02/17(월)일본: 광공업생산, 4Q GDP 성장률회담: 유로존 재무장관회의(~18일)보고서: EU 경제전망 보고서발언: 하커 총재(경제전망), 보우먼 연준이사(경제와 규제), 월러 연준이사(경제전망)휴장: 미국, 캐나다02/18(화)독일: ZEW 경기 기대지수미국: 뉴욕연은지수, 주택시장 지수발언: 트럼프, 머스크 인터뷰(사전녹화 pm 9시), 데일리 총재, 바 연준 부의장행사: CAGNY 컨퍼런스(~21일.. 더보기
It is said that the property of It is said that the property of Dipshik Liang Wonpyeong is 183 trillion won.While talking about 8 billion won in the production cost of Dipsyck, Korean engineers and businessmen criticize what they were doing, but they remain silent about how much support they have received so far.This is how Korea's development system works. It is said that it is ahead of Nvidia's performance, but the developme.. 더보기
Trump betrayed Ukraine [Trump betrayed Ukraine?] It's not uncommon to hear "traitors" about Trump trying to loot Ukraine's burial sites while forcing Ukraine to sign a humiliating cease-fire agreement by recognizing Russia's territorial takeover as an existing fact. Of course, this would be nothing short of a betrayal from the perspective of the invaded Ukraine. However, if we observe Trump's somewhat rough and unconv.. 더보기
