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U.S stocks [2025] ISSUE arrangemet

He has been caught. Eichmann, a war criminal He has been caught. Eichmann, a war criminal who massacred Jews, was caught hiding in Argentina while washing his identity. Hannah Arendt, who watched Eichmann's trial at the Jerusalem War Crimes Court, chronicles the process of the trial. "Eichmann of Jerusalem" is a record of the trial. In Arendt's record, Eichmann insists that she is innocent. The first rationale for the acquittal is that the.. 더보기
보편적인 관세가 불가능 할 것으로 보입니다. 트럼프 1기 때도 자신들에게 필요한 물품에 대해서는 관세 부과를 하지 않았습니다. 음... 관세뉴스가지고 누군가 가짜뉴스 장난을 ㄷㄷ근데 이렇게 몇일 단타치며 놀다가 중순에 부채한도협상때문에 큰 조정받을것같긴 하네요잘 넘어가면 신고가로 가겠지만...박제영님글 ㅣ 2025. 1. 7 5분 미국 마감#폭스콘 #CES #젠슨황 #다시_반도체 #관세완화NASDAQ 19,846(+1.24%)미국채 10년 금리 4.623%(+0.50%)달러인덱스 108.254p(-0.62%) NDF 1,463원(-6원)미국 증시는 다우는 소폭 조정 받았으나 나스닥 특히 반도체 기업 중심으로 상승했습니다. 폭스콘이 인공지능 서버 특수에 힘입어 역대 최대 실적을 기록하자 반도체 기업들이 크게 상승 했습니다. 엔비디아(+3.5%), 메타(+5.2%), ASML(+7.7%) 등이 크게 상승하며 필라델피아 반도체 지수가.. 더보기
미국 증시, 폭스콘 힘으로 반도체 업종이 상승 주도 후 트럼프 관세 이슈로 상승 반납 서상영님 시장리뷰 ㅣ 01/07 미국 증시, 폭스콘 힘으로 반도체 업종이 상승 주도 후 트럼프 관세 이슈로 상승 반납미 증시는 폭스콘의 4분기 매출이 사상 최고치를 기록하자 엔비디아(+3.43%)를 비롯한 반도체 업종이 강세를 보이며 상승 주도. 더불어 일부 언론에서 트럼프가 선별적 관세 검토하고 있다는 보도에 달러화가 약세를 보인 점, CES에 대한 기대 심리도 기술주의 상승을 견인. 그러나, 트럼프가 관련 보도를 거짓이라고 언급하자 매물 출회되며 상승 반납. 결국 혼조 마감(다우 -0.06%, 나스닥 +1.24%, S&P500 +0.55%, 러셀2000 -0.08%, 필라델피아 반도체 지수 +2.84%)*변화 요인: 폭스콘의 힘, 관세 정책, 달러화지난 일요일 폭스콘이 4분기 매출이 전년 대비 15%.. 더보기
The front lines of the impeachment war are The front lines of the impeachment war are gathering in the Constitutional Court. Unfortunately, the odds of the Constitutional Court battle are not high.The Samcheok boy knows that the constitutional trial is a political judgment. But the political direction is not very friendly.One reason.If you look at the personnel composition of the Constitutional Court, it is clear that conservatism has th.. 더보기
While predicting trends, speculating market While predicting trends, speculating market movements, and estimating customer choices, I have taught others' business, work, and career paths, but I have a lot of thoughts about my direction this year, but I haven't been able to organize it. Of course, I didn't draw the picture and I wasn't sure. I plan and push ahead only when I'm confident. It was the first time in 22 years since I started my.. 더보기
I'm Lee Kyung-min, in charge of investment strategy at Daishin Securities. I'm Lee Kyung-min, in charge of investment strategy at Daishin Securities. Last weekend, there was a strong turnaround, but... It was a bummer. Still, I think the reversal, which came as trading volume rose, is meaningful, the strongest gain since Dec. 10. By the way… I think there are a lot of bad news in January. Trump's inauguration, Q4 earnings season, domestic political risks, etc...Let's t.. 더보기
Chun Kwan-yul's political commentary is shared Chun Kwan-yul's political commentary is shared here and there, and it's in English. I don't know if it's because I'm trying to help readers understand by easily schematizing the complex reality, but I can't erase the feeling that I can't see the essence of the situation accurately because I'm overly optimistic. In dividing the public opinion on impeachment into four categories, writer Chun asser.. 더보기
the first book to be read in full in the new year. the first book to be read in full in the new year.The most important theme in German history is, after all, "Why Germany, a European cultural nation, was engulfed in the unprecedented cruel madness of Nazism." What naturally follows here is the inferiority Germany feels about the modernity of the Atlantic Ocean that Britain and France have set as standards. Germany, which had been divided withou.. 더보기
