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연일 신고가를 기록 하다 잠깐 쉬어가는 모습입니다. 나스닥 지수는 조정 받았지만 테슬라가 크게 조정 받았을 뿐 시총 상위 기술주들은 대부분 상승 했습니다. 다음주 실적 발표를 앞두고 있는 엔비디아가 2%대 상승으로 신고가를 앞두고 있고 테슬라를 제외한 M7 모든 종목이 상승 했습니다. 테슬라는 최근 급등에 따른 차익 매물로 6%대 하락 마감했습니다. 필라델피아 반도체 지수는 이날도 하락했습니다. 아시아 증시에서 대부분의 반도체 지수가 하락하며 마이크론 테크놀로지, AMD, 인텔 등이 크게 하락 했습니다. 트럼프 정부에서 반도체 기업이 관세 부과로 어려움을 겪을 수 있다는 분석 때문에 미국 반도체 기업들이 약세를 보였습니다.
트럼프 2기 내각이 구성되고 있습니다. 국무장관에 마코 루비오 상원의원이 발탁될 것으로 보입니다. 중국에 매우 강경한 인물로 2기 내각에서는 더 강경한 대중국 정책이 예상 됩니다. 차기 재무장관으로는 소로스 펀드에 몸 담았었던 스캇 베센트가 유력하다는 보도가 나오고 있습니다. 국토안보부 장관에는 크리스티 노엄 사우스다코타주 주지사가 예정 됐습니다. 전반적으로 강경한 인물들이 예상 되면서 대중국 또는 이민 정책에서 1기 때보다 강경한 정책이 예상 됩니다. 이러한 인선 영향에 주식시장에서 트럼프 트레이드가 잠시 주춤하는 사이 채권시장과 외환시장은 트럼프 트레이드가 더욱 가속화 되었습니다.
미국으로 자금이 쏠려들어가는 사이 한국 증시는 2500선을 하회 했습니다. 삼성전자가 53,000원에 마감 됐습니다. 범용 반도체 시장은 미국은 관세로 압박하고 중국은 밑에서 쫓아오는 상황입니다. 가상화폐시장의 거래대금이 주식시장의 거래대금을 앞서고 있습니다. 외국인 순매도는 계속되며 증시를 짓누르고 있고 기관은 손절이 나오는 상황 같습니다. 개인들은 다들 미국 주식시장으로 넘어가는 상황에서 조금의 매도 충격에도 심하게 하락 하는 모습입니다. 반대로 말하면 수급이 빈 상황에서 작은 매수에도 위로 크게 움직일 수 있다는 겁니다. 너무 힘든 국내 시장이지만 PBR 0.8배의 지지력을 믿어 봅니다.
■ Inventera, an MRI contrast medium new drug developer, succeeded in attracting Series C investment by securing a total of 18.5 billion won amid frozen investment sentiment. In particular, leading domestic investment institutions and pharmaceutical companies participated in the funding, showing high confidence in the company's growth potential.
According to a Medipana News report on the 29th, Inventtera has raised a total of 18.5 billion won (new shares) by this day, completing this series C investment. It is the fourth large-scale funding after Angel Investment in 2017, Series A worth 5 billion won in 2020, and Series B worth 10 billion won in 2022, which is noteworthy in that it has succeeded in attracting investment this year amid frozen investor sentiment of pharmaceutical bio companies.
50.8% of respondents said they would "decrease" domestic bio-industry investment in 2024, and 25.4% said it would be similar to the previous year, according to a recent survey conducted by the Korea Bio Association on the '24th Year Evaluation and the '25th Year Outlook' of the bio-industry. This can be interpreted as the fact that biotech companies continue to struggle to raise funds this year following last year.
According to Inventtera, leading domestic investment institutions and pharmaceutical companies participated in the funding, including Dongguk Life Sciences, Dongguk Pharmaceutical, Medytox Venture Investment, Woori Venture Partners, Yuanta Investment, Eugene Investment & Securities, Evergreen Investment Partners, NH Investment & Securities, Chungcheongbuk-do Creative Economy Innovation Center, and the Korea Innovative Drug Consortium (KIMCo). Medytox Venture Investment, Woori Venture Partners, and Chungcheongbuk-do Creative Economy Innovation Center are early investors of Inventtera, and they made follow-up investments this time, continuing to give trust in Inventtera's growth potential.
In particular, it is notable that KIMCo was named as this investor. KIMCo is a non-profit foundation established jointly by 59 domestic pharmaceutical bio companies and the Korea Pharmaceutical Bio Association. Since its establishment in 2020, only two companies have received investments from KIMCo: Inventtera and US Biotech Aedit.
In a phone call with Medipana News, Inventera President (CBO) Yoo Tae-sook said, "KIMCo has been conducting strict screening to the extent that it has invested in only two places so far since its establishment. The fact that Inventera received investment from KIMCo in the process of attracting investment in Series C is a prime example of Inventera's technology and business feasibility being objectively recognized."
In addition, he said, "We would like to thank investors for deciding to invest by appreciating the technology and business feasibility of Inventtera's pipeline even in market conditions where investor sentiment has not recovered, and we will do our best to make a successful IPO to revive expectations."
The world's first iron (Fe)-based T1-MRI contrast medium is being developed by Inventera. There have been several attempts to create MRI contrast agents based on iron around the world, but they have all failed due to lack of performance. However, Inventera is planning to enter the CT contrast medium market as well as the global MRI market by developing a new contrast medium drug using bio-friendly iron that can accurately capture micro lesions that are difficult to identify with existing contrast agents.
President Yoo Tae-sook said, "In 2018, the issue of side effects of gadolinium contrast media emerged. All existing MRI contrast media contain rare earth gadolinium, which has toxicity and side effects, whereas iron-based contrast media do not have such side effects, so existing issues can be resolved."
"Except for Gadolinium, which had safety issues, there are two substances that can be used as MRI contrast agents: iron and manganese, which have neurotoxicity issues, and the only alternative is iron," said Shin Tae-hyun, CEO of CTO. "In the past, iron contrast agents made images darker, but we made it possible to obtain bright images using iron. That is the core of our technology."
Source: Financial Focus
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