전체 글 썸네일형 리스트형 National Survey of Indicators 1>. Key polls include the National Survey of Indicators (NBS), Gallup Korea and Realmeter. NBS will be released on Thursday, Gallup Korea on Friday, and Realmeter on Monday. Since the 12.3 martial law, the party's approval rating has reversed for the first time. The national power is 35% and the Democratic Party is 33%. They were also asked about the approval ratings of presidential candidates b.. 더보기 When a person matures 1. When a person matures (as people are mistaken), it becomes complicated.2. As children mature intellectually, emotionally, and soulfully, their facial expressions become rich, their vocabulary increases, the depth and height of their voices change depending on the subject of the opponent and the story, and above all, the vocabulary package becomes complex (= rich).3. To mature (hence) is to ac.. 더보기 한미 동맹 불안정성 한국과 인도의 트럼프 지지율 차이는 여러 요인에서 비롯됩니다.1. 한국이 트럼프를 부정적으로 보는 이유한미 동맹 불안정성트럼프는 한미 방위비 분담금 인상을 강하게 요구하며 "주한미군 철수"를 언급하기도 했습니다. 이는 한국인들에게 미국의 안보 공약에 대한 불안감을 주었습니다.대북 정책 변화트럼프는 김정은과 정상회담을 하며 "톱다운 방식"의 외교를 했지만, 비핵화 협상이 성과 없이 끝나며 남북관계가 오히려 경색되었습니다. 북한 문제에 대한 혼란스러운 접근이 한국 내 반감을 키웠습니다.보호무역주의와 경제 정책트럼프의 보호무역 정책과 대중국 무역전쟁은 한국 경제에도 영향을 미쳤습니다. 특히 반도체, 자동차 등 대미 수출 의존도가 높은 산업이 불안정해졌습니다.2. 인도가 트럼프를 긍정적으로 보는 이유미중 경쟁에.. 더보기 When Im Jong-seok said When Im Jong-seok said Lee Jae-myung was responsible for the defeat in the last presidential election, Lee Jae-myung refuted that the gun of the attack should be directed toward national power. Is that right? If Lee Jae-myung must win the next presidential election, his argument is convincing. But after failing to overcome even the Yoon Suk Yeol, will he be able to really overcome Oh Se-hoon or .. 더보기 Why Dodramp Of ChatchPT Hits Tariffs Why Dodramp Of ChatchPT Hits TariffsU.S. President Donald Trump recently signed an executive order to impose new tariffs on products imported from Canada, Mexico, and China. The move largely stemmed from the following reasons:1. Responding to Illegal Immigration and DrugsPresident Trump determined that illegal immigrants and deadly drugs such as fentanyl entering the U.S. through Mexico and Cana.. 더보기 National Survey of Indicators As of 11 a.m. on Feb. 3, the exchange rate exceeded 1,470 won. Many economists analyze that Trump's tariff bomb and the ensuing uncertainty caused the currency to skyrocket. Is this true? No.It is easy to see that the Korean government has increased the exchange rate through aggressive policies if you take a closer look at the foreign exchange market's trading trends. Of course, this is only pos.. 더보기 the price of crude oil. the price of crude oil.The United States seemed to have been controlling prices by managing crude oil prices since Yellen, the current Secretary of the Treasury, chaired the FRB. It seems that the United States has been actively utilized as it has the right to lead supply by increasing shale oil production. Inflation was the key point in the 2024 presidential election. In the end, low-income peo.. 더보기 During President Trump's During President Trump's press conference that just came up on Jan. 22, Korean time (around 5 p.m. on Jan. 21 in Eastern Time), things about AI and semiconductors finally began to be mentioned. He announced the so-called "Stargate" project, and the core of this project, which is worth a whopping $500 billion (W700 trillion, not $50 billion), coincides with the strong intention of the United Stat.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ··· 711 다음